August For Horses – Fundraising for RDA Raymond Terrace

August is the official month of the horse’s birthday.
“August for Horses” is your opportunity to celebrate our wonderful horses, in an event you would like to hold in honour of raising money for our RDA (NSW) Raymond Terrace and Lower Hunter Centre. Assist us with cost and care of our wonderful horses. The care of our horses costs our centre up to $40000 a year. Happy healthy horses means happy healthy riders.
The horses official birthday is the 1st of August, this date is chosen to be the birthday for all horses regardless of when they were born in order to standardise their age in horse events and is linked to the breeding season of horses.
We invite you to celebrate these wonderful animals by holding an event throughout the month of August. Hold a virtual tea party, BBQ birthday bash, morning tea at work, trivia night – you are only limited by your own imagination.