Become A Sponsor

Our Indoor and Outdoor Arenas are important areas for our programs and regular maintenance is needed to ensure the best surface for our horses, riders, and volunteers.


Our Indoor Arena cost $13000 to $16000 every two years.  The process takes three to four days to resurface and includes preparing the existing base using the power harrow process to break up existing base and level ready for the new materials.  Once this is done then the washed sand (this must be a certain type of sand) is spread and levelled.  Once the sand is levelled a product called Soiltex is spread, this product helps to protect the tendons and joints of the horses.  The final part of the process is to re-harrow the arena, so it is ready for use.


Indoor Arena Sponsorship $2500 for a 1-year period, benefits include:

  • Logo on the Indoor Arena Wall for 1 year
  • Logo in Murphy’s Room for 1 year
  • 1/4-page advertisement in newsletter each quarter for 1 year
  • Logo on our website under sponsors for 1 year
  • Regular mentions in social media pages for 2 years


Our Outdoor Arena cost $1000 to $1500 every two years.  This arena is a grassed outdoor area and maintenance includes aerating the soil, spreading fertiliser over the area, rolling the arena and keeping our arena fence painted to keep it in good condition.


Outdoor Arena Sponsorship $250 for a 1-year period, benefits include:

  • Logo on our website under sponsors for 1 year
  • 1/4-page advertisement in newsletter each quarter for 1 year
  • regular mentions in social media pages for 1 year


Share-A-Horse: provides a great opportunity for people in the community and organisations to become directly involved in supporting Riding for the Disabled by sponsoring our horses.

There are three levels of annual sponsorship:

  • Bronze Sponsors – can purchase a $50 share
  • Silver sponsors – can purchase multiple $50 shares or sponsor multiple horses
  • Gold Sponsors – full sponsorship of one horse for $4000  

From main menu, please see Horses/Share-A-Horse for more information