Riding For The Disabled Horses  Raymond Terrace & Lower Hunter

Supa | RDA Raymond Terrace - Riding For The Disabled - Horse Riding Profile
Supa | RDA Raymond Terrace - Riding For The Disabled - Horse Riding Profile


15.3hh Bay Gelding – Thoroughbred (on loan to RDA 2018)

Supa, who was born in 2003, is a big, gentle boy who is a favourite with riders and volunteers alike. He is quiet to ride, has a beautiful nature and easy paces. He is a star in helping our riders go through the transition to independent riding. While relaxing in his stall or in the arena between lessons, Supa sometimes likes to cross his back legs… not often seen in a horse!!


15 plus hh Bay Gelding – Clydesdale X (Gifted to RDA 2022)

Prior to joining RDA, Schooner lived at Stroud with his one and only other owner, Lyle, who bred him. His Mother was a trotter and Father a Clydesdale and he was born on 10 October 1999.

Lyle had driven/ridden Schooner in many places e.g. Dingo Gate, Branxton, Morpeth.

Schooner has experience pulling logs on the home farm, Carriage driving and Trail Riding.

Schooner has fast become popular amongst our riders.

Spirit | RDA Raymond Terrace - Riding For The Disabled - Horse Riding Profile


14.2hh Black Mare – Standardbred Horse (on loan to RDA 2023)

Born 2010. Ava is a dignified black Mare with no white markings. Sleek and shiny.

She is the youngest and newest member to join the wonderful equine crew at RDA.

Before coming here. She gave birth to her first foal, a bay colt in   March 2021. She is keen to please and always tries her best to do what is asked of her.

Ava is happy making friends with her new herd and looking forward to having a long, productive and joyful relationship with all the riders and volunteers at RDA.

Waffles | RDA Raymond Terrace - Riding For The Disabled - Horse Riding Profile

WAFFLES (Ladybird’s Brother)

14.2hh Gelding – Hafflinger (gifted to RDA 2018)

Waffles was born in 1991. He has Model Looks, Model Behaviour … what more can you say! Waffles is one of the RDA Stars!! Not only photogenic, but his understanding and consideration he displays to our riders is amazing. Waffles is our oldest horse

Waffles and Ladybird are brother & sister. They are both beautiful caramel coloured horses with blond manes and tails. Waffles and Ladybird were both therapy horses before coming to RDA, have grown up together and are very devoted to each other.

Ladybird | RDA Raymond Terrace - Riding For The Disabled - Horse Riding Profile

LADYBIRD (Waffles’ Sister)

14hh Mare – Hafflinger (gifted to RDA 2018)

Ladybird, born in 1994, is just like Waffles but a little smaller and a lot paler in colour. She is very patient and gentle and our riders feel very confident riding her. Ladybird has a nice smooth walk and a wide back which helps our riders with their balance. She is a perfect horse for riders developing their riding skills as she can walk up at a fast pace and moves into a trot and back to a walk well. Ladybird will often whinny and call to Waffles if they are not in the same lesson together.

Flame | RDA Raymond Terrace - Riding For The Disabled - Horse Riding Profile


15.2hh Chestnut Mare – Australian Stockhorse (purchased by RDA)

Flame, born in 2003, has seen it all. She was once a Jackaroo school horse …. and has taught city slickers and country folk. We are very glad she is now lending her skills and knowledge to RDA. Flame is a beautiful girl with a shiny copper coloured coat, is good with different levels of rider. She is a favourite with our more advanced riders as she is excellent at all the activities. Pet hate is that red head she sees looking back at her in the mirror, her ears go back and she will bare her teeth at herself, which is quite comical because as soon as she’s past it the smile goes back on.

Horse Profiles | RDA Raymond Terrace Riding For The Disabled Horse Profiles


14.2 hh Black Stock Horse Cross Mare (Gifted to RDA 2021)

Belle, born in 2001, has previously done trail riding and some ranch work. She has had 5 foals.

She has a lovely temperament and has fitted in really well with the rest of the herd, on her entry to the herd, having spent a week alongside them she just walked through, and they all ignored her, such a gentle soul.  Belle undertook all her training very smoothly, considering she hadn’t seen a lot of our games or been in our indoor arena she was not fazed by our mirrors and the noises that different activities and people made.  Yes, she would have a look, but quickly settled and is a welcome addition to our programs. She is excellent for soothing the nerves of an anxious rider.

Horse Profiles | RDA Raymond Terrace Riding For The Disabled Horse Profiles


14.2 Flea Bitten Grey Mare – Arab (on loan to RDA 2024). Born 2009.

Misty is a very calm and compliant girl. She is well educated and has participated in dressage and most recently, trail riding. She is easy to handle and sweet natured. Loves cuddles, especially from children and she has become a real favourite amongst our volunteers and riders. Misty loves her food and it shows. She is constantly on a diet. The owner of Misty, Julie Anne Weismantel, made a specific bequest that Misty be offered to RDA on her passing. Misty is a welcome addition to our RDA family and has already become a valued asset and much loved equine which is a testament to the training undertaken by Julie Anne.

Horse Profiles | RDA Raymond Terrace Riding For The Disabled Horse Profiles
Horse Profiles | RDA Raymond Terrace Riding For The Disabled Horse Profiles


Grey Mare owned by Rosemary Laing (Carriage pony – Stroud)

Tinker, born in 1995, was bred at Broadmeadow racecourse, Newcastle, with the intention of producing a mini trotter. She grew too  big and Rosemary has owned her “perfect pony” for 16 years.

Tinker has completed 22 endurance drives, winning all but 3. She has also completed 7 1/2  Henry Lawson drives and all 10 Royal Far West Charity drives as well as  numerous pleasure drives – a total of over 10,000 km, not counting training at home.

Tinker, NSW Endurance Pony of the Year 2009-2016 also held the Distance Achievement award 2010-2016. In more recent years, Rosemary has shared the pleasure of driving her in competition with some of our Junior drivers.

Tinker was accredited as an RDA carriage driving pony in 2012 and has given much pleasure to her drivers living with disabilities, including helping them to win numerous ribbons in the annual RDA NSW Carriage Driving competition and in 2019, RDA NSW  Champion Driver. Her patience in this role is remarkable.

In late 2016 Tinker developed a shoulder problem and though it was easily fixed by a chiropractor, Rosemary decided to retire her from competition. She won her last Enduro at the age of 21.

Tinker has been called a legend, a pocket rocket and a wonder pony. Her speed, stamina and good temperament have combined to make  her what she is. All Rosemary has to do is sit there and she does the rest. Rosemary once said  that when their combined ages reached 100  they would retire. They are now at 109 (in 2022) and still going, though it is all club drives and RDA from now on. Rosemary just  thanks her lucky stars to have such a wonderful pony.

Horse Profiles | RDA Raymond Terrace Riding For The Disabled Horse Profiles
Horse Profiles | RDA Raymond Terrace Riding For The Disabled Horse Profiles


12.3 hh Chestnut Mare owned by Helen Huckerby (Carriage pony – Stroud)

Ruby’s full name is Mithril Jewel Ruby and she was born in 2009. She is a welsh pony who has been in harness since 2014.

Her experience is in pleasure, showing and endurance.

Ruby was accredited to be an RDA carriage driving pony on 28 April 2021 and is owned by long standing RDA Carriage Driving Coach Helen Huckerby.

Helen initially ran the carriage driving program out of the Raymond Terrace centre and now supports the program run out of Stroud.